Animator/Writer and Webcomic Artist.

Adam @AdamTilford




Joined on 6/11/06

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AdamTilford's News

Posted by AdamTilford - August 23rd, 2010

So I too don't really care for the length of some of these scenes for SH. I normally don't mind because it's just a part of the actual full episode, so they're linked together anyway to make the 20-30 minute version that I host on my site.

I split the Acts up into scenes for the following reasons:

1)16,000 frame limitations. I will usually go past this. Actually, I know for a fact that I will.

2) The earlier episodes were attempted to be done in one flash, but even with optimizing, the file size was still huge, over 200mb, and trying to edit it in using Flash which whores up memory regardless of how good my computer is becomes a hassle and extremely frustrating. So to prevent that annoyance, I do separate flash files, much to my own dismay in order to keep myself sane.

3) I split the scripts into "fading in" and "fading out" to signify what should be able to fit in the Flash file without having to stop to start another one. So when a smaller scene is followed by a big one, I keep them separate instead of making 2 files that are relatively long.

4) It's just convienent when I want to adjust something at a later date.

Now, for the full episodes I link the swfs together with Actionscript. It works out pretty damn well. However, I don't know how I'd be able to put out a full episode on NG, one with the file size limit and as well as the fact that each scene is in a different flash. I'm sure I can try and figure something out, maybe just push it and put two scenes together.

Until then, all full episodes can be found at www.azure-productions.com

Posted by AdamTilford - August 15th, 2010

Today's been another productive day in the consistent adventure to build up the production site.

www.azure-productions.com and the forum http://forums.azureproductions.org/ are being worked on and fine tuned as I try to build and develop a creative community.

Things on the horizon aside from Shattered Heaven Act 4, which is going well and with an expected October release date.

Comics: The comic section will be fleshed out with some promotional issues and previews in the coming weeks. Can't say much right now as it's being developed with some friends, but it's going to add a new dynamic of content to the site.

I'm a drummer and a musician, I've taught at schools before as well as an indoor drumline. So I have a knowledge of music and have finally decided to just write the original soundtrack for SH. It's not going to be easy, but it'll be fulfilling. I've already gotten 2 tracks down, one ambient and one for an emotional setting. I'm also working along side some good friends to hopefully hasten the project. Before I release the first volume DVD of Shattered Heaven I would like to replace all the music with tracks from the original soundtrack.

The DVD will contain special features like an art gallery, interviews with the voice actors and the first 4 episodes of the series. I just finished the cover, spine and back art for it and I'm quite pleased with how it came out.

And now back to some animating.

Azure Productions: Projects, Forums, Novels, Soundtracks and DVDs

Posted by AdamTilford - August 10th, 2010

So for the most part I've been kind of lazy. The full episode of Act 3 is available on my site, all 32 minutes of it. Watching it as a single episode makes it a lot more fluid and takes away from the "it's taking too long" feeling. I've realized posting each individual scene by itself as I did them made the actual event seem like it's just dragging, I will not be doing that with Act 4.

But either way.

http://azure-productions.com/sh_act3_r elease.html

Act 4 production is underway, it should be released much faster than Act 3 was. I have some recasting I have to do which is never fun, but I'm in the process of scouting.

I'll be posting the remaining 3 scenes of Act 3 on NG tonight probably, if not, then tomorrow.

Shattered Heaven Act 3 Complete

Posted by AdamTilford - June 6th, 2010

For the few people who follow what I do this will serve as an update on what's going on. During development of the 4th scene of the 3rd episode my laptop crashed and it was sent to HP for repair. So for about a month production was halted, but it recently came back and I've been back into the grind of things.

Episode 3 consists of about 8 scenes, the first 3 of which are already posted here, scene 7 is actually completed since it was relatively simple to do, and I'm about 75% done with scene 4. I'm currently on an 11 day vacation from work, during which I will be finishing both scenes 4 and 5. I am aiming for a July release of the completed episode which will be available to view in its entirety on my website. It will contain additions to the scenes already posted, some fixes that will make certain spots flow a lot better.

Until then, here is a screen from the upcoming scene 4.

Shattered Heaven Act 3 Update: Scene 4 75% complete

Posted by AdamTilford - November 8th, 2009


Ok, an update...OMG, I know, it's been forever. Anyway, few things. 1) To all of those who have been supportive of Shattered Heaven on NG, thank you.I'm still learning and I'll always consider myself a better writer than animator, I'm used to writing in novel format and it's really hard to capture my style and put it into script format, and then to animate it. I'm just not that good yet. Anyway...

2) Act 3 scene 3 is more than halfway done and should be released in the coming weeks.
3) I've been doing an overhaul on my production site, and it's almost done. Whoo!

4) I'm currently looking for talented people to join up with my production company. I wanted to meet up with other talented people who are on their own and come up with this amazing production company to display everyone's talent. Information is below. I will be offering sub domains with unlimited webspace off my server for anyone interested in becoming a part of Azure-Productions.

Do you have a talent that you would like to showcase? Maybe some original ideas for a story, comic, radioplay or even animation, if this fits you then you should join the team of Azure-Productions.

We're growing and want to offer this opportunity to anyone who wants to get their own ideas out there.

Even if you would just like to use your talent to help out with other projects, whether it be, art, animation, sound production, voice work, it doesn't matter, don't hesistate to join.

We off many benefits...just, none that have any monetary worth or anything that could contribute to your daily health...BUT, we offer free webspace to showcase all your own work!

Don't be shy, sign up today!

Animators- Namely ones with their own series and projects. I wanted Azure-Productions to have a variety of content and projects all for the entertainment of people. Since I'm an animator myself, I understand that sometimes by yourself it can be a bit difficult finding people that will go along with you and your project, especially if you're considered an unknown. Most VAs shy away from unknown producers with no reputation, mainly because they don't want to put their effort and time into something that may never come to fruition. With support from people in the company it'll be a lot easier to find the resources you may need, and even be able to get some help in animating. I want to develop a relationship between all people who may join the company, and as such we'll all be able to help one another. Whether it's in finding sound effects, voice actors or even animating tips.

Audio Producers- I'm slowly starting to develop the audio section of the company, but others who produce original audio dramas are extremely welcome. The same applies from the above description. To be able to help promote each other's work and offer constant reliable help when needed. Audio Production- People who may just specialize in production of audio, ie: cleaning, balancing, noise reduction. I do it myself, but I'll admit, I'm like third rate in that aspect. So I'm looking for anyone who may want to offer their talents in helping out, I feel it would be a great experience, developing friendships and getting experience in a hobby that you may or may not want to take to a professional level.

Artists(Comic, Promotional, etc)- I'm developing a comic section on the site as well. And I'm offering anyone with artistic talent to join as well and promote their original works. And anyone who may like to help with other people's works in the art side of promotional material.

What you get:

*A sub domain website for your own stuff. Use it for whatever you'd like. It would be "adam.azure-productions.com" as an example. I'll design the layout and get it running for you if you do not know how to. I will give ftp access and show you how to keep it going so you can update it without me.

* Unlimited webspace to go with the sub domain.

* Personal email address. Etc. As well as building what I think will be a great experience for anyone.

For those interested, feel free to email me, adam@azure-productions.com or pm me here.

When I hear from you we will go over some things to make sure this would be a fit for everyone. Not being selective, just want to make sure that everyone will mesh together. I'm mainly looking for people with serious projects, or serious ideas. Comedy is welcome, but I'm aiming more so for series instead of the one shot jokes that are always posted. Nothing against them, they're funny. But there are less serious thought out series, and that is what this production company focuses on.

Thanks for taking the time to read.

Updates: Shattered Heaven, Azure-Productions Recruiting.

Posted by AdamTilford - July 3rd, 2008

Phew, been a while. So the production on the 2nd episode is officially underway now. New additions to the cast and better animation and quality. Sound will be better too! Also I started redesigning www.shatteredheaven.com, it's an on going process but I have uploaded the first novel on there and I'll be updating it frequently.

Life for me has been pretty interesting to say the least. Still looking for a better paying job so I can get my own house, yeah I said house. If I'm going to pay monthly on something then I better own it. Plus places in NY and Long Island are beyond ridiculous expensive. I'm also still looking for a literary agent to get the first novel published, it's a hard and stressful journey, but I'm sure in the end it will all be worth it. If there's anything you really want in life then you're going to have to make some sacrifices in order to get it. Unfortunately things don't just fall into your lap, you have to go out and make it happen. It's something I've been learning for a while now.

But moving on. I have released the Act 2 trailer on youtube. I'm going to add some stuff, ie extras and lip syncing for when I put it on NG later tonight. But if you would like to see it.

Act 2 Trailer

SH Act 2, shatteredheaven.com, and life updates

Posted by AdamTilford - May 29th, 2008

Well I released the first episode last week and I am in the process of putting up onto NG this week. Since when I started I was horrible at Flash and my animation skills were poor at best the files were too big and I was forced to break them apart.

But with mistakes comes improvement. I have already made tremendous strides in audio quality and animation quality. Some of my friends in this field are helping me with the sound editing so I can level everything which will be wonderful. And I've been messing around with techniques in Flash now that I am comfortable with the program.

So I thank all that watched the first one, you can see the entire episode here:

Full episode

I am posting a screen of the 2nd episode so you all can see I'm not bullshitting about it being much better quality.

SH Act 1 Released, Act 2 in progress

Posted by AdamTilford - May 12th, 2008

Woot! I am getting there, still being generally new to Flash this has been a very stressful task. Especially trying to fit this in a schedule of work and freelance, but I am almost done. I recently finished the animation for the final scene of the episode and have started polishing the other scenes and making sure the lip syncs line up. While I don't have an official release date yet it will be without a doubt soon.

I'll keep everyone (the minute amount of people who may be interested haha) posted here as well as my website.

Shattered Heaven: In Search of Destiny Episode I update!

Posted by AdamTilford - April 13th, 2008

It's been a long 2 months for me. March, especially was a tough one for me. 2 of my friends passed and needless to say it put production of the first episode to a halt.

Since then I managed to get back into the groove. I'm in the final stages of audio editing, all of the animation is done so hopefully I can get something up soon.

Please check, www.azure-productions.com if you are interested in the latest developments.

Also: I am more than likely going to finish the first season ending tonight, once I do I will put that up on NG.

Here's one screen from it:


Posted by AdamTilford - December 29th, 2007

I was trying to put it up as an Alpha but the Alpha's page was being annoying. It would load up the submit page after I hit submit. Oh well, maybe I'll try again this week.

Anyway, the cast for the first episode has been chosen and I am getting lines for the characters.

I have the first minute and a half animated with sfx and voices ! And it's looking pretty damn good so far.w

Episode 1 Progress