For the few people who follow what I do this will serve as an update on what's going on. During development of the 4th scene of the 3rd episode my laptop crashed and it was sent to HP for repair. So for about a month production was halted, but it recently came back and I've been back into the grind of things.
Episode 3 consists of about 8 scenes, the first 3 of which are already posted here, scene 7 is actually completed since it was relatively simple to do, and I'm about 75% done with scene 4. I'm currently on an 11 day vacation from work, during which I will be finishing both scenes 4 and 5. I am aiming for a July release of the completed episode which will be available to view in its entirety on my website. It will contain additions to the scenes already posted, some fixes that will make certain spots flow a lot better.
Until then, here is a screen from the upcoming scene 4.