0808080807? Missed it by one second...
Plot wise I am highly interested. And can't wait to see how the characters develop and why things are happening the way they are.
I like the idea of a flash comic and how it mixes animation with comic styles. I believe this has a lot of potential. While I admit the lack of voices in some areas did ruin the experience a bit, it was only a bit as I was more into the story than anything else.
I think with the next one you might want to focus more on the audio in order to balance the scenes out. It's already been mentioned that some parts there's audio that's too loud or too low.
As far as the style goes, it's your style and I think it was well done. There could have been more detail in the character and maybe some improvements in anatomy, but you're tracing from Illustrator and that can be a pain. I know...
I think it would save you time and effort to draw them directly in Flash instead of tracing them. But that's all preference and is entirely up to you.
Overall, I'm happy to see something other than a parody of a parody on NG. Something with some depth that will display typical story elements. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some parodies, and I give the parody artists props (there are a lot of good ones out there who put the time and effort in), but I like stories, and I like things that keep me interested and it's always nice to see original works from people.